Project Management

Projects come in all shapes and sizes, but what doesn’t change is my dedication to helping you get them completed. You will feel secure in knowing that I am available to assist with whatever your project needs are. Let me help with the project’s initiation, planning the next steps, executing & monitoring the progress of specified tasks, or simply assist you with that final task that will help push the project to the finish line.

  • Initiation: I will discuss the project goals with all stakeholders involved and ensure I have a clear understanding of what the project’s success looks like. I will identify the timeline, the budget, if any other skills are needed to complete our project, and complete any necessary research.

  • Planning: I will create a project plan outlining steps from start to finish. Deadlines are accounted for and a schedule is created to ensure all resources, materials, and tasks are used and completed in a timely fashion. I will also set up the project on our project management tool of choice (Asana,, Trello, etc.).

  • Execution & Monitoring: As your project manager, I will oversee all work done on the project, ensure that we are staying on track, and break down any barriers that may arise. I will act as the point of contact for the team, and host kick-off and check-in calls as needed. I will also keep you up to date on the status of the project and communicate any key milestones or issues that arise.

  • Completion: Once we have met all our goals and achieved project success, our project is complete, and we can celebrate!


With my monthly hour subscriptions, you are guaranteed your selected amount of hours per month and are renewed monthly for those hours, with a 10% discount (discount reflected in example rates below). You will be billed at the beginning of each month. We can also work together without a subscription, which would be billed biweekly depending on hours used at the non-subscription rate.

Prices START at $35 per hour*


  • Non-Subscription Hourly Rate: $35 per hour

  • 10 Hour Subscription (per month): $315.00

  • 15 Hour Subscription (per month): $472.50

  • 20 Hour Subscription (per month): $630.00

  • 25 Hour Subscription (per month): $787.50

  • 25+ Hour Subscription (per month): Rate determined upon request

*Depending on the scope of your project, the price may vary. Please inquire if you have a task you need assistance with that requires tailored services and may not fit these parameters.

 The process

Working Together


It all starts with a contact form. If you think I would be a good fit for your business, please contact me! Let me know a little about yourself and your project.


After reviewing your contact form, I will reach out to you to schedule a 30-minute consultation where we can get to know each other, discuss your business, and your project! We will figure out what success looks like, the goals of the project, and the timeframe. If we believe we’re a good fit, we can move on to onboarding.


During onboarding, you will fill out a few forms, provide a form of payment to have on file to be billed for the duration of your project on a monthly basis, and we will start getting set up with login information, project management apps, messaging tools, etc.

Work Starts!

Once we’re all set up and access has been granted, I can begin working on your project! During onboarding, we will discuss how you would like to receive updates, deliverables, etc.


We will meet weekly (either via Zoom or over the phone). During these calls, we will check in on tasks completed, pending tasks, and answer any questions. You will also receive a weekly recap email on Friday afternoons detailing what was completed that week with an update on the project and hours used thus far.


For non-subscription clients, at the end of every two weeks, you will be billed for any hours used to work on your project. This will continue until the project is complete. For subscription clients, you will be billed at the beginning of each month and will be renewed for the same subscription the following month unless informed 14 days prior to the coming month. This will continue until the project is complete. If for any reason we need to go over our contracted hours, you will be billed for those hours with your next monthly bill.

 Frequently Asked Questions

Can monthly subscription hours roll over to the following month?

Unfortunately, I do not roll over unused hours from monthly subscriptions. During our consultation, we will discuss the project you need assistance with, along with the number of hours we believe we will need to complete them monthly. I suggest if you are unsure, start with a slightly smaller subscription, and if needed, we can go over the contracted hours for the straight hourly rate.

What if we need more hours than my monthly subscription provides this month?

If a project is taking more hours than we usually use, we can go over the contracted hours as needed, for the straight hourly rate.

Can I change my monthly subscription after the initial month?

Yes! If your needs change and you decide you need more or fewer hours, just let me know before your subscription renews the following month. You can change to a different subscription or to a non-subscription plan, whatever fits you best.