Travel planning is a huge part of my life. Whether for a client or for fun, I am constantly consuming travel content (so much TravelTok!), making lists of places I want to visit, and things I want to experience. But when it comes to my own travel, surprisingly, I can be quite spontaneous. I’ve had several trips that came together within just a few weeks simply because my husband and I had the time off or airline vouchers that needed to be used. Although the spontaneity can be fun and exciting, it also can be a huge stress, and more importantly, it doesn’t always allow us the ability to do everything we would have wanted since we might be too late to book. So for 2023, I’ve decided to start early and plan out our travel for the year!

Now, the trips I have planned are definitely not small, so I may not get to them all, but having an idea early on of where I’d like to go and what I’d like to do can help me decide what is actually doable, both financially and time wise. I’ll do more in-depth breakdowns of each location with itineraries in future posts, but, without further ado, my 2023 Travel Bucket List:

Guatemala (April or November)

Guatemala is a place I have visited a few times throughout my life. Being half Guatemalan, I still have family there that I have visited through the years, and have spent some Summers in my childhood there. So although I’ve been to Guatemala before, I’ve never really explored the country as a tourist. Instead of going on excursions or staying in hotels, I’ve spent most of my Summers in the one or two towns where my family lives. This time, I’d love to see Guatemala through a different lense and what it has to offer. Some of the cities I’m most excited to visit are:

  • Antigua

  • Tikal

  • Lake Atitlán

  • Chichicastenango

Puerto Rico (May)

Similarly to Guatemala, my husband and I would love to take a trip to Puerto Rico and discover it like tourists. Being that my husband is Puerto Rican, we have come to PR to visit, but since it was with family, it wasn’t on our terms. Instead of a short stop on a cruise or visiting family, we’d like to spend a couple days here exploring the island. Some of the cities I’m most excited to visit are:

  • San Juan

  • Ponce

  • Vieques

  • Culebra

Italy (September)

A month in Italy has been on my bucket list for a long time. I visited Italy for the first time in high school, and since then I have been dying to return. From the art, to the landscape, to the food, I don’t know if there has been a location that I have traveled to where I knew instantly that I would want to return right away. I know a month isn’t realistic for most travelers, but as someone who works remotely and makes their own schedule, it has been a dream of mine to spend my birth month traveling the entire country and seeing everything! Some of the cities I’m most excited to visit are:

  • Lake Como

  • Florence

  • Genoa

  • Amalfi Coast

Bonus Trip: Croatia (July)

I won't lie, prior to Game of Thrones, Croatia had never been on my radar. But after being introduced to Dubrovnik aka King’s Landing, I have been obsessed with visiting this beautiful country. Croatia has become a much more mainstream destination now thanks to the show, but the cities and beaches look so lovely that it is a destination I know I need to visit at least once. Some of the cities I’m most excited to visit are:

  • Dubrovnik

  • Split

  • Hvar

  • Zagreb

Will I get to travel to all these destinations next year? Only time will tell, but I hope you enjoyed reading where I’d love to ideally visit in 2023! If any of these places interest you and you’d like to know more, let me know down below! Or if there is someplace on your travel bucket list for next year, let me know. You might just change my mind and have me adding it to my list.
