Travel Planning

The possibilities for travel are endless, and although we all want to pack our bags and see the world, the first step is to do research! Let me do that for you by providing you with locations, hotels, flights, and activities, so all you have to do is pick how you want to enjoy your vacation!


  • Tourist: Just need help finding the perfect hotel and flights for your next trip?

    • Research hotels and flights to the destination of your choice

    • 3 options* each for hotel and roundtrip flights

  • Jetsetter: For those of you who need a little more help planning your trip and ideas for what to do.

    • Research hotels, flights, and activities to the destination of your choice

    • 3 options* each for hotel, roundtrip flights, and activities

  • Globetrotter: Have no idea where to start? Want to let go of the reigns and have me plan everything from A to Z?

    • Research hotels, flights, and activities to the destination of your choice

    • 3 options* each for hotels, roundtrip flights, and activities

    • Once options have been selected for each category (hotel, flights, activities), I will put together an itinerary for your entire trip

*After our check-in, if hotel, flight, or activity options do not meet your needs, additional research will be completed to provide one more option for each category.

  • Add-ons

    • Group bookings

    • Additional options

    • Car service

    • Shuttle service

    • Restaurant recommendations

    • Multiple locations with additional transportation between


 Tourist | Starting at $50

Jetsetter | Starting at $75

Globetrotter | Starting at $100

The final price is dependent on the complexity of your trip.

Add-ons will be billed at an additional fee per hour of research/work.

 The process

Working Together


It all starts with a contact form. If you think I would be a good fit for you and your trip, please contact me! Let me know a little about yourself and what you need help with.

Travel Questionnaire

After reviewing your contact form, I will email you a travel questionnaire. This will give me a better idea of what you’re looking for and what you’re ideal trip looks like.


Once I receive your travel questionnaire and determine that I am able to assist, I will reach out to you to schedule a 30-minute consultation. During this call, we will go over what your perfect trip looks like, any questions I may have, and what level of assistance you need. Once this is determined, a deposit will need to be put down for work to begin.

Work Starts!

I will begin my research based on your questionnaire and our consultation and pull together options on a Google Sheet or Excel document. This may take 3-5 days depending on the length and complexity of the trip.


Once I complete my first round of research, I will send it to you for review. If you approve of the options and they match what you’re looking for, then we’re all set! If there's something I’ve missed or that you would like changed, I will go back and work on another set of options for your review. (Additional options after this will be considered an add on)


Once I have submitted my final research, you will be billed the remainder of your balance. Then you are ready to book! If you have requested for me to book everything for you, you would have received forms for any necessary information (passport information, credit card information, known traveler number, or frequent flyer/hotel memberships). Then you’re ready to enjoy!

 Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change my package level once you have started working on the trip?

Packages can be upgraded at any point during our work together, but cannot be downgraded.

How do I pay for your services?

After the consultation, where we will discuss the level of assistance and research you require, you will be invoiced for a deposit to begin work. This deposit will go toward your total balance. Once my work is complete, you will be invoiced for the remaining balance.

If I need to cancel my trip, am I eligible for a refund?

All deposits are nonrefundable. Any time used to research/plan the trip will be billed, regardless of whether the trip occurs. If there are any changes to your trip, please let me know as soon as possible so I can pause or stop my work.